And I tell you, you are Peter,
and on this rock I will build my church,
and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it.
I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven,
and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven,
and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.
~ Matthew 16:18-19 (NRSV)

St. Peter the Apostle
Catholic Church
551 N. Rush Street | Itasca, Illinois 60143

Mon, Sep 09
|St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church
Eucharistic Minister Training
We ask all of you to prayerfully consider becoming a Eucharistic Minister. Following a one-hour training session, you will be installed as a minister, and asked to assist at mass 2-3 times a month, at your preferred mass.
Time & Location
Sep 09, 2024, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church, 551 N Rush St, Itasca, IL 60143, USA
About the Event
Upcoming Training: Monday, September 9 | 7:00 pm
We have been discussing the possibility of returning to offering the Precious Blood at weekend masses. The main obstacle to being able to do this is a lack of Eucharistic ministers. We will need an additional two ministers at any mass where we offer the Precious Blood, and at this time we cannot guarantee that we will have enough ministers to do this on a consistent basis at any of our four weekend masses.
We ask all of you to prayerfully consider becoming a Eucharistic Minister. Following a one-hour training session, you will be installed as a minister, and asked to assist at mass 2-3 times a month, at your preferred mass. Without your participation, we will not be able to offer the Precious Blood of Christ during mass.
Our next training opportunity will be on Monday, September 9, beginning at 7:00 pm in Woods Hall. This training is open both to Eucharistic Ministry candidates, and active Eucharistic ministers who want a refresher course on distributing the Precious Blood.
For more information, email Deacon Fred at deaconfred@stpeteritasca.com.