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As we near the end of the Lenten season, the last Confessions before Easter will be heard as follows:

  • Sunday, April 10 at 12:30pm 
    (following 11:30 am Mass - until all are heard)


  • Wednesday, April 13, at 8:30am  (until all are heard)


These are the last scheduled Confessions before Easter.

will resume the weekend of Divine Mercy Sunday at which time they will be offered before Vigil Mass on Saturday for an extended period at 3:45-4:45pm.


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Prayer & Fasting for Ukraine
Pope Francis calls for a day of prayer and fasting on March 2 for peace in Ukraine.


On Sunday, April 5, between 8am and 12noon, parishioners are invited to stop by the parish parking lot to receive palms to honor Palm Sunday at home.

Palms will be spread out in bunches on tables outside the church. Please maintain distance with others who are there at the same time and please only touch the palms which you are taking – do not handle multiple bunches. Volunteers will be there to replenish the palms throughout the morning.


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Confessions will resume the weekend of Divine Mercy Sunday at which time they will be offered before Vigil Mass on Saturday for an extended period at 3:45-4:45pm.


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As we near the end of the Lenten season, the last Confessions before Easter will be heard as follows:

  • Saturday, March 27, "6-hours of Confessions" 9:00am - 3:00pm

  •  Multiple priests will be available (Polish will be available at 1-3 pm)

  • Wednesday, March 31, at 8:30am (until all are heard)

  • Wednesday, March 31, at 6:30pm (until all are heard)

These are the last scheduled Confessions before Easter.


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Sunday, April 4 | 8:30 am

Saturday, April 3 | 8:00 pm

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