And I tell you, you are Peter,
and on this rock I will build my church,
and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it.
I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven,
and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven,
and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.
~ Matthew 16:18-19 (NRSV)
St. Peter the Apostle
Catholic Church
551 N. Rush Street | Itasca, Illinois 60143
Sacraments of Initiation
Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation are the sacraments of initiation. The sacraments enter us into full membership in the community of believers.
Through Baptism we enter into the dying and rising of Jesus. We leave behind the old self and take on the life of a follower of Jesus Christ.
With the Eucharist, we receive the Body and Blood of the Lord and we accept the challenge to do for one another what Jesus did for us, namely to lay down our lives in Christian service.
Confirmation seals us with the gift of the Holy Spirit.
The baptism of infants has a long history in the Church’s celebration of the sacraments. For a Christian family, the passing on of the faith begins with the Baptism of the child. Baptism takes place within the community of the parish.
It is the parish’s celebration of new life and the continuation of the faith.
Click below for further information regarding the celebration of Baptism or contact the parish center at 630-773-1272 (ext. 200) or
Holy Communion (Eucharist)
Friday Communion Calls
Fr. Slawek makes communion calls every Friday for those unable to attend Sunday Mass due to illness or bad health.
Please call Fr. Slawek at 630-773-1272 (ext. 208) to make arrangements.
Anointing of the Sick
Those who are seriously ill need the special help of God’s grace. Through the sacrament of anointing, Christ strengthens the faithful who are ill and provides them with the strongest means of support. The celebration of this sacrament consists of the laying on of hands by the priest, the offering of prayers of the community, and the anointing of the sick with oil. The parish celebrates the Anointing of the Sick twice a year at the Sunday Eucharist. At other times, requests for anointing of anyone who is seriously ill can be made by contacting the parish center or by calling Fr. Slawek at 630-773-1272 (ext. 208) to make arrangements.
First Holy Communion
For more information about the sacrament of First Holy Communion, please contact the DRE, Mrs. Toni Pietrowski at 630-773-1272 (ext. 216) or
The Sacrament of Confirmation is a sacrament that affirms God’s love and completes our Baptismal grace.
St. Peter’s holds Confirmation annually in the spring for those who are in the
8th Grade. Adults wishing to be confirmed go through the RCIA program.
The Sacrament of Confirmation is filled with gifts from God for us to get through the many difficult choices and experiences we have during our lifetime. Confirmation deepens our baptismal commitment and grace, and strengthens our bond with Christ and the Church by professing our faith publically. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit (wisdom, knowledge, understanding, right judgment, courage, reverence, wonder and awe) help us grow in our relationship with God and with others. The fruits of the Holy Spirit (charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, chastity) manifest themselves in those who allow the Holy Spirit to work in their lives.
The primary minister of Confirmation is the bishop, although pastors may be given delegation to confirm. The symbols include the laying of the hands (of the bishop and priests) and the anointing with chrism (oil). The ministers call for the Holy Spirit to descend on the candidates and the oil stands for the strength given to them through the grace of the sacrament.
Confirmation candidates attend several catechetical meetings throughout the year in addition to their religious instruction.
Sponsors need to be practicing Catholics whom have already been confirmed.
It is desirable, but not necessary, to have a baptismal godparent to be the sponsor.
For more information regarding Confirmation, please contact the DRE,
Toni Pietrowski at 630-773-1272 (ext. 216) or
Right of Christian Initiation
Church initiates new members. Through prayerful study of Scripture and the Tradition from which our Catholic faith grows, candidates are guided over a period of time to embrace the faith. This journey of faith is celebrated in stages. Each stage is celebrated with the parish community at the Sunday liturgy. The sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation are celebrated during the Easter season.
This journey recognizes that growth in faith needs to take place within a caring Christian community. Therefore, many parishioners are involved in RCIA as catechists and parish sponsors.
This process of conversion can take several months or several years depending on the needs of the individual. Adults or school-age children who have not been baptized, adults who have been baptized in another Christian tradition, or those who were baptized Catholic but never had the opportunity to complete their initiation are welcome to the process. Information may be obtained by contacting the parish center.
For more information, please contact the Toni Pietrowski at 630-773-1272
(ext. 216) or
Annointing of the Sick
Those who are seriously ill need the special help of God’s grace. Through the sacrament of anointing, Christ strengthens the faithful who are ill and provides them with the strongest means of support. The celebration of this sacrament consists of the laying on of hands by the priest, the offering of prayers of the community, and the anointing of the sick with oil.
Requests for anointing of anyone who is seriously ill can be made by contacting the Parish Center.
Confession (Reconciliation)
In the celebration of Reconciliation, we recognize our sinfulness and the need for God’s healing love. We ask forgiveness for our sins and for the strength to return to living a Christian life. Our participation in this sacrament also implies that as God freely forgives us, so we too are willing to freely give and receive forgiveness.
Confessions are available on Saturdays at 4:00 pm, First Fridays at 8:30 am, the second Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm during the Father John Project prayer service, or by appointment, as well as at special reconciliation services held during Advent and Lent.
In the Sacrament of Marriage, a man and woman vow to become one in their love for each other. The Church sees in this union the sign of Christ’s love and devotion to the Church. It takes seriously the never-ending covenant bond that this sacrament symbolizes.
For couples who wish to celebrate their marriage within the Church, there is a process of preparation that assists couples. Further information regarding the celebration of marriage may be obtained by contacting the parish center.
Holy Orders
In the celebration of this sacrament, the Church ordains to ministry those who are to serve the faith community as deacons, priests or bishops. These members are consecrated to special roles of leadership within the worshipping community.
Deacons serve the People of God in Liturgy, Word and Charity.
Priests, or presbyters, are charged with preaching the Gospel, shepherding the faithful and celebrating Divine Worship.
Bishops, possessing the fullness of the priesthood, exercise their office by sanctifying, teaching and governing the faithful.