And I tell you, you are Peter,
and on this rock I will build my church,
and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it.
I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven,
and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven,
and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.
~ Matthew 16:18-19 (NRSV)

St. Peter the Apostle
Catholic Church
551 N. Rush Street | Itasca, Illinois 60143

Parish Mission Statement and Goals
We, the people of St. Peter the Apostle, a Roman Catholic Parish in the Diocese of Joliet, a faith-filled people, united in the Holy Spirit and nourished by the Eucharist, strive to be the Body of Christ. We manifest our unity through the celebration of the Sacraments.
We pledge to use our gifts and resources to live the Faith, preach the Word, and Service others as we welcome all into our faith community.
Worship and Community
Improve opportunities to bring parishioners together in worship, religious formation, mutual support, activity and growth
in an effort to foster an environment of hospitality where our celebration of community can thrive.
Leadership (Shared Responsibility)
Develop dedicated lay leadership to help parishioners fulfill their Baptismal call, so that the Body of Christ may flourish.
Service and Stewardship
Provide and publicize opportunities within parish ministries for parishioners to share their gifts and resources in the
same spirit of generosity as modeled by our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Evangelization (Effective Communication)
Improve our methods and effectiveness of proclaiming the good news at St. Peter’s to promote an environment of
inclusion and participation for all parishioners.
Word (Education and Religious Formation)
Enhance spiritual growth and educational opportunities for parishioners of all ages.
St. Peter The Apostle Parish History
St. Peter the Apostle was founded by Bishop Martin McNamara on June 11, 1956, assigning Father Sylvester Mulloy also pastor of
St. Joseph parish in Addison, the task of organizing this new parish.
Fr. Mulloy used the gym of Peacock Middle School (formerly, North School) for Sunday liturgy and the faith community of
St. Peter the Apostle in Itasca was born. An assembly of 200 filled the gym to capacity when the first parish Eucharist was celebrated.
Plans for the present church building, intended to be a temporary one, were begun and ground was broken in 1957. A rectory was purchased and the school and convent were built so that by 1963, Pastor Fr. Paul Bensen and the people had established a strong and growing Roman Catholic parish in Itasca.
Today, St. Peter the Apostle, a parish of approximately 1,000 families, forms a vibrant community of faith with expanding ministries
by which parishioners can answer the call of Christ to serve each other and to live the Gospel message within the parish, as well as, their wider communities.
St. Peter the Apostle Parish is one of approximately 130 parishes in the seven county areas that comprises the Diocese of Joliet, canonically established in 1949. The diocese, currently under the administration of Bishop Robert Daniel Conlon, is centered in the Cathedral of St. Raymond in Joliet, Illinois.
Greeters and ushers help foster a spirit of stewardship by ensuring all visitors and parishioners feel part of St. Peter’s faith community. They also assist people in finding seats in the assembly, collecting the monetary offerings, and providing other assistance as necessary.
Altar servers assist the priest during the Mass and at other liturgical services.
Read more about the benefits of Altar Server
Lectors proclaim the Word of God during the Eucharistic Liturgy.
Communion Ministers serve the community through the distribution of Holy Communion during the weekend and Holy Day Masses.
Cantors are the leaders of sung prayer for the assembly at worship. Through their leadership, they foster a greater sense of full, active participation. Candidates should possess a pleasant singing voice and an ability to read music.
Adult Choir
This ministry is available to anyone with an interest in music, who wishes to assist the Eucharistic community in its sung prayer at liturgy.
Handbell Choir
The handbell choir is an ensemble of individuals sharing their talents and enriching liturgical services with the music of handbells. The group rotates weekends and Mass times throughout the year.
This ministry plans and coordinates decoration of the Church for the various liturgical seasons through the use of color, flowers and other appropriate decorations.
Our parish community welcomes those interested in celebrating their wedding at
St. Peter the Apostle. In the sacrament of marriage, a man and women pledge their love before God in the presence of the community, vowing to journey together as partners for life. The Church sees in the commitment of marriage a symbol of Christ’s love and devotion to his Church. It takes seriously the never-ending covenant that this bond implies.
A commitment of this nature takes thought and preparation. Couples who wish to celebrate their marriage at St. Peter the Apostle should contact the parish at least
six months in advance of the date they have in mind. Parish staff is ready to assist couples through the marriage preparation process, the completion of the required documentation for the Diocese, and the planning of the wedding liturgy.
St. Peter's parishioners will have first priority in scheduling wedding dates. We will accept requests for wedding dates from non-parishioners depending on facility availability and with the pastor’s approval. Click on the link to the left for information regarding the marriage preparation process and wedding service planning.
To schedule a wedding, call the Parish Center at 630-773-1272. It is advisable for couples to schedule their wedding with the church before booking a reception hall,
as not all dates and times may be available at St. Peter’s.
Suggested Donations/Stipends
Church: $500
Priest: Fr. Noesen – free will offering
Priest: $200 (If an alternate priest is arranged by parish)*
Organist: $200**
Cantor: $125**
Wedding Coordinator: $100
Clean-up: $50 (if deemed necessary)
Altar Servers: $25 (each)
Non-parishioner or Non-active Parishioner
Church: $750
Priest: $200*
Organist: $200**
Cantor: $125**
Wedding Coordinator: $100
Clean-up: $50 (if deemed necessary)
Altar Servers: $25 (each)
*Once confirmed, fees would be negotiated directly with the family. A guest priest, invited by the family, is allowed but must be cleared by the liturgy office and be a priest in good standing with the Diocese of Joliet.
The stipend would be negotiated between the guest priest and the family.
**Outside musicians must be cleared through the parish office and the Liturgy/Music Director.
The parish family of St. Peter the Apostle is prepared to offer you assistance as you face the loss of a loved one. At the time of death, family members and friends often feel overwhelmed with the details related to the funeral. Know that our parish staff is ready to organize and provide for all of your funeral mass arrangements if you so desire.
The Order of Christian Funerals also describes many areas within the funeral mass where family and friends can be involved in planning a beautiful and meaningful worship experience for all who gather on behalf of the bereaved and the deceased. For many families, this becomes an important part of the grieving process and an opportunity to add a personal touch to their loved one’s farewell. We are prepared and eager to help you plan this liturgy.
Call the parish office at 630-773-1272 (ext. 201) to speak with Deacon Fred Maier, the Director of Liturgy, or dial the Parish Secretary (ext. 200) to begin the planning process. Leave a home and cell phone number, as well as the name of the family representative to contact. The funeral home may coordinate arrangements with the parish, as well.
Our staff will provide you with mass planning materials, including a booklet Through Death to Life, which lists scripture options. The link to the left provides information about all the possibilities for family and/or friends to participate in the mass, some additional planning guidelines, a planning outline sheet, and a list of most frequently requested funeral music.
St. Peter the Apostle Parish will accept funerals for all parishioners and those who are related to our parish in some way. Generally, St. Peter’s funerals are scheduled on Tuesday through Saturday in the morning hours from 9:30 am to 11:00 am. We will also accept funerals of baptized, non-parishioners if availability allows and with the pastor’s approval.
Suggested Donations/Stipends
Funeral and Memorial Mass Fees for a Parishioner
Church: $125
Priest: Fr. Noesen – free will offering
Priest (other than Fr. Noesen):
$150 for funeral mass
$200 for mass and wake and/or cemetery service
Pianist: $100
Cantor: $75
Visitation: $200 (Margaret Woods Hall)
Funeral and Memorial Mass Fees for a
Non-parishioner or Non-active Parishioner
Church: $200
Priest: $150 for funeral mass
$200 for mass and wake and/or cemetery service
Pianist: $100
Cantor: $75
Visitation: $200 (Margaret Woods Hall)